1-to-Many Prospecting Videos

If you feel like your emails are getting lost in your prospects’ inboxes, video is the headlamp, map, and flare to get your message home.

Bethany Stachenfeld
Bethany Stachenfeld
Nov 28, 2018
1-to-Many Prospecting Videos

Sales and marketing teams who use videos in their outbound emails see up to 20% more opens, 5x more click-throughs, 8x more responses, 20% more closed deals, and 30% higher deal sizes.

It sounds “too good to be true,” but it’s for real…

In the ever-advancing world of technology, AI, and automation; video inserts humanity back into the sales process. You can build a face-to-face connection, show your credibility through your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language, and more succinctly convey your value by showing your product in action.

Now, this does not mean that video is a perfect enhancement for every message. Or that one type of video will work in every situation. Let’s hone in on 1-to-many videos.

When to use the 1-to-many video

1-to-many videos are single videos that can be shared with multiple viewers. With super hot leads, you probably want to make them their own personalized prospecting video. The 1-to-many video is perfect when you want to educate or qualify leads through an automated workflow.

GridTip: This is not a personalized video. Don’t say “I made this video just for you,” because you didn’t. And your viewer is smart.

Product Announcements

Show and tell a new product for interested parties. Explain how the new product will provide value, and show them how it looks in action.

Customer Testimonials

Nothing is more powerful that a happy customer advocating for you in his or her own voice. Share their stories to similar companies who may find a similar type of value.

Compare yourself to competitor they are using

Tell your potential buyers why your product is better, and show your product in action.

You’ll be exhibiting at a conference they will be attending

Show them your friendly face and tell them you will soon be in the same room. Make sure to include your calendar so they can schedule time to meet with you in person.

GridTip: Someone watching a 1-to-many video may indicate that they are hot enough to warrant a 1-to-1 video. Follow up!

Tips and Takeaways

  • Capture attention right away with a moving video preview in your email. (See Email + Video Dream Team post for email more tips).
  • This may be a mass video, but that doesn’t mean it should be generic. According to recent Microsoft research, the average attention span of your prospects is less than 8 seconds. Start your video off with a hook, and tell a story with your video. (See our Best Practices for Recording Video post)
  • Keep your video short and concise. Only 37% of viewers will sit through a video longer than 90 seconds.
  • Finish with a strong video call-to-action.

More from the Video Selling Playbook

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